Package biz.janux.people

The biz.janux.people package represents Persons and Organizations using the key concept of a Party, which makes it possible to treat Person and Organizations interchangeably in the context of a contract, a business relationship or other relationships that may be entered between people and organization.


Interface Summary
Contacteable An interface for an entity which may have Phone Numbers, Postal Addresses, Emails, Urls, or other contact methods; for example, Person, Organizations, Orders, etc...
ContactMethod marker interface used to signify that a sub-interface or implementing class represents a means of contacting a Party; examples of ContactMethod sub-interfaces are PostalAddress, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress and URL
OrganizationDao Deprecated. use OrganizationDaoGeneric
OrganizationDaoGeneric<T extends Organization> Used to create, save, retrieve, update and delete Organization objects from persistent storage
OrganizationName Simple bean to store the name of an Organization
Party Organization and people have common characteristics that describe them, such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses; they can also play similar roles as parties to contracts, such as buyers/sellers, client/provider, etc; this interface is the super type for the Person and Organization interfaces and provides a mean to refer to their implementing classes as a whole
PartyDao Deprecated. use PartyDaoGeneric
PartyDaoGeneric<T extends Party> Used to create, save, retrieve, update and delete Party objects from persistent storage
PartyName Simple bean to store a short and long name for a Person or Organization
Person represents a physical Person in a variety of contexts
PersonDao Deprecated. use PersonDaoGeneric
PersonDaoGeneric<T extends Person> Used to create, save, retrieve, update and delete Person objects from persistent storage
PersonName Simple bean to store the name of a Person

Enum Summary
PartyFacet Enumeration that defines the possible relations to a Party.
PersonFacet Enumeration that defines the possible relations to a Person.

Package biz.janux.people Description

The biz.janux.people package represents Persons and Organizations using the key concept of a Party, which makes it possible to treat Person and Organizations interchangeably in the context of a contract, a business relationship or other relationships that may be entered between people and organization.

Person and Organization both extend from Party. The party interface is quite simple, it is limited to having a name and a map of ContactMethods, as illustrated below:

In addition, a Party extends Contacteable and thus has a map of ContactMethods:

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